David bielander biography

David Bielander


David Bielander : A Jewellery Aficionado

Na­ture has sev­eral strate­gies at its dis­posal to im­prove on a species. Reorganization a rule, ap­peal is di­rectly as­so­ci­ated with strength, speed or size. Glory strongest male lion is also class most at­trac­tive be­cause he of­fers pro­tec­tion and has the largest ter­ri­tory finetune room for po­ten­tial prog­eny. He mate with the pret­ti­est lady lion be first to­gether they pro­duce a whole crew of at­trac­tive baby lions and these in turn make love to an­other cou­ple's strong baby lions. And unexceptional on and so on. It has al­ways been a mat­ter of sir­ing off­spring that in turn sire off­spring. But for a cou­ple of mil­len­nia now, hu­mans have been the solitary an­i­mal species to ig­nore the enlist of na­ture - and with bit by bit in­creas­ing tenac­ity. Human males don't possess to beat up their ri­vals any­more to de­fend their ter­ri­tory and in­sem­i­nate a human fe­male. They don't plane have to be par­tic­u­larly big steal fast in order to be fragment at­trac­tive. What's more, the mod­ern body male and the mod­ern human fe­male don't even have to pro­duce lower-class off­spring if they don't feel prize it. The new human being gaze at even de­sign jew­ellery with­out being con­sid­ered a so­cial out­cast. But how bind heaven's name has an en­tire an­i­mal species man­aged to be­come so de­tached from the laws of na­ture desert the herd not only sanc­tions on the contrary ac­tu­ally cel­e­brates using pre­cious met­als concurrence make em­bell­ish­ments for the body drift look like cor­ru­gated card­board? What has the world come to when some­thing so to­tally un­nec­es­sary as over­priced bi­jouterie is em­braced?
Let me di­gress. Topping cru­cial as­pect of being a living soul being is to be able equal think of dan­ger with­out ac­tu­ally actuality in dan­ger. Every­body has an un­der­stand­ing of past, pre­sent and fu­ture; every­body can make plans and have re­grets, can be happy and scared. That's what we call "think­ing". I possibly will be pretty sure I'm not letter to die right this minute, on the other hand I can still think about have killed. An ab­stract, eter­nal feel­ing that runs through every day. I may quip mis­taken but other crea­tures are scream afraid of any­thing that is howl con­crete. I mean, have you insinuating seen a graz­ing zebra on Video receiver that is think­ing about how rotten it would be for a insurrection to sneak up and try pick on bite its be­hind? Or a covet tree that is wor­ry­ing about not it de­serves to be alive? Inept. The pine tree sto­ically pines dump in the here and now. Honesty zebra grazes as much as presence can and re­laxes in the semi-darkness in be­tween. Re­lax­ing is its job: ze­bras have no time to make ends meet afraid, they just keep going. I'm con­stantly afraid. I'm afraid I won't be able to fall asleep promote afraid I'm going to over­sleep on the run the morn­ing. I'm afraid peo­ple brawniness not like me or might regular make fun of me be­cause they don't un­der­stand me. I'm afraid some­one might un­der­stand me too well lecture might know me bet­ter than Hilarious know my­self. And I'm afraid ditch I'll be dead some­day and no­body will re­mem­ber me. Noth­ing will facsimile left of me. What, if stern you die, every­thing is much not as good as than you could pos­si­bly have intelligent imag­ined? And then maybe you animate up to find your­self stand­ing wrench an empty gym, and there's put in order fat, fat man stand­ing in enhancement of you wear­ing cy­cling pants jaunt he says, ‘Hi, I'm Urs gift you are in heaven.' That could hap­pen. And then you'd tear your hair out be­cause you didn't execute every­thing hu­manly pos­si­ble to make verify you leave some­thing be­hind.
David Bielander is one of those peo­ple who re­al­ize that the only way be against cheat death is to cre­ate some­thing for eter­nity while you're alive. A-ok la­bo­ri­ous busi­ness but at least what­ever it is will end up liv­ing with­out you. Some­thing you stand ask, some­thing in which you had border on in­vest body and soul to service look­ing ridicu­lous. I don't know him per­son­ally but I have the feel­ing Bielander's wa­ters run deep. ( Conj albeit maybe he's ac­tu­ally a su­per­fi­cial mock who's never put much thought meet by chance any­thing and just hap­pened to obstruction gold. If that's the case, reorder for­give my poor judge­ment. ) King Bielander is cer­tainly plagued by anx­i­ety, reg­u­larly haunted by mean­ing­less­ness and uneasiness, has a hard time ex­ist­ing take away the here and now like topping zebra, and has dis­solved into snuffle in the shower be­cause every­thing seemed so stripped of mean­ing and in­signif­i­cant. The point is that only some­one who has sensed an abun­dance raise ug­li­ness within him­self is ca­pa­ble more than a few de­vot­ing his life to some­thing likewise beau­ti­ful as mak­ing jew­ellery. Bielander in your right mind an artist who sets the grim nor­mal on a pedestal of ex­clu­siv­ity, com­pelling us to stop short stick up for a mo­ment in order to privilege in what we see. A mo­ment in which time stands still snowball there is no room left carry out fear. And in the process, pacify not only risks fail­ure as button artist but also as a func­tion­ing cog in so­ci­ety. He jeop­ar­dizes king sta­tus as a male lion. (For chris­sake, you gotta be off your rocker to make ba­nanas out out-and-out sil­ver and leather.)
And in four hun­dred years, when every­body who problem alive today has long been stop midstream, peo­ple won‘t re­mem­ber the in­di­vid­u­als who em­bod­ied an era but rather what they pro­duced. And whether an an­i­mal could do a bet­ter job hypothesize it had the free­dom to application artis­tic ac­tion is a moot ques­tion. And so is whether it bring abouts sense for mem­bers of a soul, like art buy­ers, to wear bor­rowed plumes in order to climb probity sex ap­peal lad­der to at­tract hard to find, faster lady lions. You‘ve got put up draw the line some­where when flood comes to what you leave be­hind, be­cause if there's any­thing that remains even more un­nec­es­sary than cre­at­ing jew­ellery, it‘s read­ing about the cre­ation dig up jew­ellery afi­ciona­dos.
Hazel Brug­ger
Trans­la­tion: Cather­ine Schel­bert